Dec 7, 2009


Centralized network systems used are a burden only mengambat because only the central server for processing and data transmission. Alternative solutions can be used tedistrubusi network systems that use more than one server, so that the selected servers for sending and receiving data processing later selected the most maximum capacity.
The use of ASP is running on the Windows NT operating system can not cope with large networks and large, families can use the Unix-based operating system like Linux is proven performancenya better if a bear to handle network and wide.
Use of BNI / BRI as a terminal in the PPD-II with a small bandwidth, is also effective if it occurs simultaneously so that data transmission can be selected as the main terminal Telkom Telkom is considering having more bandwtih adequate to handle large data. Read more

(soure: Krisnawati, Jurnal Dasi AMIKOM, Vol 1, No 1 (2000))

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